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Thursday, November 19, 2015

#OTCQuestionMonday Third Tutorial, how to hit the ball above your feet!

On our last #OTCQuestionMonday blog this week we will be showing a video tutorial on how to hit the ball when it is above your feet. I am glad that someone asked for this tutorial because I have problems with this too. Living in Florida, we do not get to work on this part of game to much because you have more flat lies than you do with lies above your feet. So when I come to a shot on the course when the ball is above my feet, I get worried. Lets check out this video tutorial and see how to hit the ball on an incline.

The video tutorial is from Sports and Outdoors. I really enjoy this video because he goes step by step on how to make great contact with the ball when it is above your feet. First you need to grip a little lower on the club, this is very important because if you do not grip a little lower on the club you might hit the shot fat (to much of the ground and not enough of the ball). I also enjoy how he reminds you to aim right of the green because the ball will go left (for righties). After taking watching this great tutorial I have some great tips to practice now.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and it helps you out with your game. Let us know what you think about the blog in the comment section below. Make sure to check out the rest of our site for further golf tips and information.


Video from Sports and Outdoors

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

#OTCQuestionMondays Second Tutorial, how to hit out of a greenside bunker.

For our second tutorial from our #OTCQuestionsMondays, someone asked if we could post a tutorial on to hit out of a greenside bunker. This is a great question. We have all been stuck on the beach sometimes and it is tough to get out. This is another part of the game that requires a lot of practice. For me it is one of the hardest shots to hit. Here is a great video for beginners that can give them a way to practice.

In this tutorial video from Sean Casey he gives you a great tip on how to practice hitting it out of the sand. Draw a line and open up the club face up and hit the line with your club. Do this with out hitting the ball a couple times to get use to hitting behind the ball. It is tough to get use to hitting behind the ball instead of hitting the ball. One thing I would recommend is to not over think it. Relax. Do not let the mental part of the shot get in the way of executing the shot.

Let us know what you think about the blog in the comment section below. Make sure to check out the rest of our site for further golf tips and information.


Video from Sean Casey

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

First Ever #OTCQuestionMonday Winning Tutorial is Putting Drills.

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for the comments on our first ever On The Course Question Mondays. We had a lot of great ideas for our first #OTC Question Monday winner. We decide the first ever winning idea will be....... PUTTING DRILLS!

Now I know when your just starting out playing the game of golf and your out on the range, all you really want to do is see how far you can hit the driver and your irons. Well at least that is what I wanted to do. People forget that practicing putting is very important. If you can consistently making putts 10 feet and longer you are going to lose a ton of strokes off your score. So here is a couple putting drill videos I found to help you practice.

The first video is from and I really like this drill because I think it helps you to become more aggressive as a putter. Hopefully this drill will help you get enough pace to get the ball in the hole because no one likes to leave putts short.

Now the second video is from RobinSymesGolf and is probably one of my favorite putting drills, especially if you have some time. Now he gives you four distances to hit from which are 1.5 meters (5 feet), 3 meters (10 feet), 4.5 meters (15 feet) and 6 meters (20 feet) and you got to make a ball at each stop. When your practice this drill it is important not to cheat. You are just cheating yourself. If you miss at a stop than you have to start from the beginning. It will help you in the long run.

I hope you enjoyed both of these putting drill videos and hope you put these drills to good use. Let us know what you think about the videos and our blog in the comment section. Be sure to check out the rest of our site for further golf tips and information.


Videos by and RobinSymesGolf

Saturday, November 7, 2015

On The Course Founders Ron and Harrison Introduction Video

Check out our VLOG where we discuss the value of having a Florida based golfing site dedicated to providing essential video tutorials to golfers.

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The Correct Golf Apparel

Here at On The Course, our team strives to provide golfers with golf knowledge from Golf’s best players and instructors to learn the game of golf. We’re dedicated to delivering knowledge and golf tips through video tutorials and our blog.

Before you get out on the golf course you must know what to wear while playing. Most golf courses will not let you wear just anything when you are playing. In this video Frank Ganley, a PGA Tour professional informs you on what you can wear and what you are not allowed to wear while on the course. 

Mr. Ganley provides some great tips for individuals who are not sure what to wear on the golf course. It is not just about what type of shirt to wear, you also need to know about what type of shorts or pants to wear and also what type of shoes you need when playing golf. 

Before you head out to your next golf outing make sure you review this video to know what is acceptable on the golf course. If you have any other questions about golf apparel leave a comment below or ask us on our social media sites and we can answer them for you. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Be sure to check out the rest of our site for further golf tips, and information to continue receiving essential golf tips that will help make you the best golfer you can be.


Thanks to 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Golf Swing Made Simple!

Here at On The Course, our team strives to provide golfers with golf knowledge from Golf’s best players and instructors to learn the game of golf. We’re dedicated to delivering knowledge and golf tips through video tutorials and our blog.

To be a successful golfer, you must learn the basic fundamentals of the golf swing that’ll make a world of a differences when you’re out on the green. In the following video tutorial, Adam Proudman and Piers Ward break down the basic motions of the golf swing to help you learn the basics.

This video does a great job highlighting the key points of your swing by stressing the fundamentals of having the right club concept. Many beginners have the wrong idea when it comes to their golf swing. Having the right concept from the beginning is important in having a great golf swing by knowing how to properly control your club head.

Piers and Adam use a tennis racket to show viewers how the club head should open up during your back swing, followed by the club head’s motion during your full swing until the end where the club head should close back up. Learning to turn the body is another essential fundamental stressed in this video.

View this tutorial over and over until you grasp the club concept well, and make sure you duplicate these fundamentals when you’re out there at the driving range or golf course. 

Be sure to check out the rest of our site for further golf tips, and information to continue receiving essential golf tips that will help make you the best golfer you can be.


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